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ADHD and other special needs stories

ADHD and other special needs stories
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Your stories are welcome here. You never know when your story may help another parent out. If you have a story you would like ot put on this site feel free to e-mail me at

My son is seven years old with ADHD. I remember when he was first diagnosed I thought that I was such a bad parent and everyone around me confirmed this thought. When my son was diagnosed it was a big relief for me to know that it was not my parenting but he really had something going on.
I then heard stories that stated that ADHD was not real and that I was still a bad parent. I had people ask me how I could put my child on Ritalin. I had people give me dirty looks because my son could not control himself in stores. Though my son had a diagnosis I did not know what to do.
We have had a couple of rough years dealing with the behaviors and the impulses that my son has had. He has done incrediable things that he knows he is not to do but does them anyways. He has cut the cats hair (thank goodness that is all he has cut) and he cut the curtians.
However, in all that he has done he is a great child. He just finished kindergarten with passing most of the state standards. He also did really well in his social development (which he has a hard time with). I just wanted other parents out there to know that they are not alone in this process and that there is hope for our special children.

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